ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

  • Année de publication:
  • Auteurs:
  • -   Gutiérrez-González, Carlos
    -   Aldana Vásquez, Luis
  • Magazine:
  • Volume:
  • Numéro:
  • Pages:
  • Date de publication:
  • ISSN:
Coffee Cultural Landscape; Conservación; Folk Myths; Griots; Herança; Mitos Folclóricos; Mitos Populares; Oral Tradition; Paisagem Cultural De Café; Paisaje Cultural Cafetero; Patrimonio; Patrimony; Preservação; Preservation; Tradição Oral; Tradición Oral;
This article answers to the question: ¿Is this about preserving or rescuing the Oral Tradition of Folk Myths in the Coffee Cultural Landscape (CCL)? To find the answer a qualitative method was implemented conducting interviews on focus groups; elders, historians and children ages 7 to 11 years old. All natives and/or residents of Anserma, Caldas; Marsella, Risaralda; and Genova, Quindio, municipalities who represent three CCL’s zones. It was found that Folk Myths are one of the most resilient traditions. However, this intangible patrimony is in risk of disappearing, this evidence highlights the importance of finding new griots to preserve this oral tradition.