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Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is one of the typical Dano Festival in Korea in company with Gangreung Dano Festival and Yeongsan Dano Festival. Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival consists of confucian rituals, gut(the Korean shamanistic rite) and folk feasts like the Hanmyo ritual (confucian-style rituals for general Han who in a folk tale protected local residents with his sister from Japanese invaders in ancient period), Hojang Parade(costume procession), Yeowon Dance, Palkwang Clown Show etc. The value of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival as an intangible cultural heritage is boundless. However efforts and concerns for the desirable preservation of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival has been relatively insufficient.The currently desirable ways for the preservation of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival are as follows. First of all, historical research for restoration of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is urgent. For this purpose, materials about Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival and any information of Jain area from the colonial period should be collected by the complete enumeration including bibliographic data and oral statements. Informants should be selected as many as possible including even Japanese who have any information of Jain area from the colonial period. Data should be administrated systematically by establishment of Archives. Secondly, systematic and broadscale enlargement of the transmission basis of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival is needed. Independent institutes for restoration, transmission and carrying out events of Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival should be established. Lastly, connected groups with Gyeongsanjain Dano Festival should try to globalize the festival. Citizen, connected groups and local government should cooperate with an organic relationship for the globalization of the festival.