ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

Titre Annéesort ascending Les auteurs Magazine
Research on Inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2017 Yi, Jian
The religious festival of "Shango Macho" in the casa ile-ocha by Teresa Stable in Cruces. Approaches for a case study 2017 Ibanez Hernandez, Adisbey, Lopez Arana, Olga Lidia, Did Morales, Yandry Revista Universidad y Sociedad
Los griots: protagonistas en la conservación de los mitos folclóricos del Paisaje Cultural Cafetero 2017 Gutiérrez-González, Carlos, Aldana Vásquez, Luis Encuentros
Patrimonio inmaterial: tres estudios de caso en Ecuador, Colombia y Perú 2017 Dávila, Stephany Susana Torres, Falceri, Laura Antropología: Cuadernos de Investigación
The Development and Course of Gijisi Juldarigi(Tug-of-war), Intangible Clutural Heritage of Humanity - Focusing on the Expansion of Meaning from Cultural Heritage to Culture 2017 Kun, Kim Hyung Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage
“Lawmaker Wants Cockfighting [to be] Part of Heritage”: A Critical Analysis of the 2003 Convention and the Struggle of Animal Rights Groups 2017 Hailemariam, T. Santander Art and Culture Law Review
Beyond Conventional Limits: Intangible Heritage Values and Sustainability Through Sport 2017 Thompson, Allison Going Beyond Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies No. 2
Intangible Cultural Heritage and Self-Healing Mechanism in Chinese Culture 2017 Zhang, Juwen Western Folklore
Analysis of the Positive Externality of the Development and Utilization of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Minority Nationalities-A Case Study of Jiayi Village Scenic Spot in Xinhe County 2017 Shu, Shibo, Yu, Xiaoling
Living heritage of Morocco: Elements of the representative list of the Intangible Heritage of UNESCO 2017 Labchir, Hanane Hesperis-Tamuda
