ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

Titre Annéesort ascending Les auteurs Magazine
Web-based system for digital presentation, management and preservation of Bulgarian language heritage 2017 Dutsova, R. 5th International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, DiPP 2015
Washoku, heritage and national identity 2017 Cwiertka, K.J. Routledge Handb. of Modern Japanese History
Criticizing about local Genealogy of Sanjo -Focusing on Sim Jungsun, Kim Haesun and Sim Sanggeun's Sanjo- 2017 Hee, Kwon Do Studies In Korean Music
Smell of heritage: a framework for the identification, analysis and archival of historic odours 2017 Bembibre, Cecilia, Strlic, Matija Heritage Science
Soka dantza en el valle de Baztán 2017 Larralde, Patxi Txistulari
The Comparison between Tibetan Intangible Cultural Heritage Tibetan Opera and French Mime 2017 Fan, Xiaoda, Angwcngzhuoma
Satisfaction and motivation. The gastronomy of Guayaquil. 2017 Carvache Franco, M., Carvache Franco, W., Zamora Flores, F., Orden Mejia, M. TURyDES: Revista Turismo y Desarrollo Local
Aventuras y desventuras de una hermosa convención internacional 2017 Duvelle, Cécile Revista Andaluza de Antropología
Cultural heritage in context: the temples of Nubia, digital technologies and the future of conservation 2017 Tamborrino, Rosa, Wendrich, Willeke Journal of The Institute of Conservation
Nodos: Encyclopedia of the Performing Arts 2017 Torres, Diego, Diaz, Alicia, Cepeda, Virginia, Correa, Facundo, Fernández, Alejandro Revista Colombiana de Computación
