Live flamenco in Spain: A dynamic analysis of supply, with managerial implications |
2017 |
Palma, L., Palma, M.L., Rodríguez, A., Martín, J.L., Cascajo, I. |
International Journal of Arts Management |
Protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage in Tangshan "beautiful country" |
2017 |
Minfeng, R. |
Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech |
Intangible Cultural Heritage and Soft Power – Exploring the Relationship |
2017 |
Schreiber, Hanna |
International Journal of Intangible Heritage |
"Inter humum caelumque": relatos y ajuares: el patrimonio cultural del pueblo vacceo a través del Programa Pintia de Innovación Educativa del Colegio Safa-Grial |
2017 |
Castro Martín, Pablo L. |
Pulso: revista de educación |
Visitors' experiences with Intangible Cultural Heritage: a case study from Cordoba, Spain |
2017 |
Lopez-Guzman, Tomas, Gonzalez Santa-Cruz, Francisco |
Journal of Heritage Tourism |
Inheritance and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Folk Music of Wuwei Area in Gansu Province |
2017 |
Guo, Qian, Ding, X |
Villagers' agency in the Intangible Cultural Heritage designation of a Korean village ritual |
2017 |
Kwon, Hyeokhui |
International Journal of Heritage Studies |
Cultural Anthropological Origin of Korean Wrestling Ssireum |
2017 |
Na, Young-Il |
Korean Kournal Of History Of Physical Education, Sport And Dance |
Tourist animation - a chance for adding value to traditional heritage: case studies in the land of Maramures (Romania) |
2017 |
Ilies, Alexandru, Hurley, Peter Damian, Ilies, Dorina Camelia, Baias, Stefan |
Revista de Etnografie si Folclor-Journal of Ethnography and Folklore |
Intangible Cultural Heritage and Heritage Institutions |
2017 |
Cachat, Severine, Hottin, Christian |
In Situ-Revue de Patrimoines |