ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

Titre Annéesort ascending Les auteurs Magazine
Live flamenco in Spain: A dynamic analysis of supply, with managerial implications 2017 Palma, L., Palma, M.L., Rodríguez, A., Martín, J.L., Cascajo, I. International Journal of Arts Management
Protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage in Tangshan "beautiful country" 2017 Minfeng, R. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech
Intangible Cultural Heritage and Soft Power – Exploring the Relationship 2017 Schreiber, Hanna International Journal of Intangible Heritage
"Inter humum caelumque": relatos y ajuares: el patrimonio cultural del pueblo vacceo a través del Programa Pintia de Innovación Educativa del Colegio Safa-Grial 2017 Castro Martín, Pablo L. Pulso: revista de educación
Visitors' experiences with Intangible Cultural Heritage: a case study from Cordoba, Spain 2017 Lopez-Guzman, Tomas, Gonzalez Santa-Cruz, Francisco Journal of Heritage Tourism
Inheritance and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Folk Music of Wuwei Area in Gansu Province 2017 Guo, Qian, Ding, X
Villagers' agency in the Intangible Cultural Heritage designation of a Korean village ritual 2017 Kwon, Hyeokhui International Journal of Heritage Studies
Cultural Anthropological Origin of Korean Wrestling Ssireum 2017 Na, Young-Il Korean Kournal Of History Of Physical Education, Sport And Dance
Tourist animation - a chance for adding value to traditional heritage: case studies in the land of Maramures (Romania) 2017 Ilies, Alexandru, Hurley, Peter Damian, Ilies, Dorina Camelia, Baias, Stefan Revista de Etnografie si Folclor-Journal of Ethnography and Folklore
Intangible Cultural Heritage and Heritage Institutions 2017 Cachat, Severine, Hottin, Christian In Situ-Revue de Patrimoines
