ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

Titre Annéesort ascending Les auteurs Magazine
A tartan weave: connecting the experience of flow in traditional music and Gaelic language in pursuit of heritage language survival Submitted Sparling, Heather, MacIntyre, Peter Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Assessment of producer's perspective on the production of environmentally friendly fashion products: a case study in Indonesian natural dyes batik craftsmen Submitted Kusumastuti, Adhi, Atika, Achmadi, Taofan Ali, Phusavat, Kongkiti, Hidayanto, Achmad Nizar Environmental Science And Pollution Research
Acercamiento al análisis histórico de las danzas de paloteado en Navarra : testimonio de los danzantes que han regocijado los festejos de Pamplona durante los siglos XVI, XVII, XVIII y XIX / Jesús Ramos Submitted Ramos, Jesús Cuadernos de Sección. Folklore
A Mixed-Methods Study of Cultural Heritage Learning through Playing a Serious Game Submitted Kara, Nuri International Journal Of Human-Computer InteractionInternational Journal Of Human-Computer Interaction
A Mixed-Methods Study of Cultural Heritage Learning through Playing a Serious Game Submitted Kara, Nuri International Journal Of Human-Computer Interaction
A tartan weave: connecting the experience of flow in traditional music and Gaelic language in pursuit of heritage language survival Submitted Sparling, Heather, MacIntyre, Peter Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Intangible Cultural Heritage and Participation: Encounters with Safeguarding Practices Submitted Meghann E., Jack Museum Management and Curatorship
Against authenticity Submitted Lixinski, Lucas International Journal of Heritage Studies
Concepts of heritage–A comparison of the UNESCO conventions concerning tangible (1972) and intangible (2003) heritage Submitted Albert, Marie-theres, Hüfner, Klaus
SSRN-Localism as a Production Imperative: An Alternative Framework to Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage and Expressions of Folklore Submitted Garon, John
