ARCHIVE du patrimoine immatériel de NAVARRE

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Protecting intangible cultural heritage in the era of rapid technological advancement 2022 Adewumi, A.A. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology
Protecting intangible cultural heritage in the era of rapid technological advancement 2022 Adewumi, A.A. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology
What's in a dance? Dalkhai: From a religious community ritual, to a pro-scenium performance 2021 Marinescu, A. International Review of Social Research
What's in a dance? Dalkhai: From a religious community ritual, to a pro-scenium performance 2021 Marinescu, A. International Review of Social Research
Theravada Buddhism in North-East India: A study of the Tai-Khamtis 2019 Mantche, C.C. International Review of Social Research
Protecting the past for the future: How does law protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage in armed conflict? 2015 Johannot-gradis, Christiane International Review of the Red Cross
Destructive trends in contemporary armed conflicts and the overlooked aspect of intangible cultural heritage: A critical comparison of the protection of cultural heritage under IHL and the Islamic law of armed conflict 2020 Arnal, Victoria International Review of the Red Cross
Protecting the past for the future: How does law protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage in armed conflict? 2015 Johannot-gradis, Christiane International Review of the Red Cross
Destructive trends in contemporary armed conflicts and the overlooked aspect of intangible cultural heritage: A critical comparison of the protection of cultural heritage under IHL and the Islamic law of armed conflict 2020 Arnal, Victoria International Review of the Red Cross
How the Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 contribute to better protection of cultural property Submitted Hladik, Jan International Review of the Red Cross
