NAFARROAKO ondare materiagabearen ARTXIBOA

Izenburua Urteasort descending Egileak Aldizkaria
Concepts of heritage–A comparison of the UNESCO conventions concerning tangible (1972) and intangible (2003) heritage Submitted Albert, Marie-theres, Hüfner, Klaus
SSRN-Localism as a Production Imperative: An Alternative Framework to Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage and Expressions of Folklore Submitted Garon, John
Inventario del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de las provincias de Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchila, Napo, Orellana y Sucumbios (inédito) Submitted Trujillo León, Jorge
Inventorier le patrimoine immatériel, l’exemple de l’IREPI au Québec Submitted Turgeon, Laurier, Forget, Célia De l’immatérialité du patrimoine culturel
Consumer purchase intention of intangible cultural heritage products (ICHP): effects of cultural identity, consumer knowledge and manufacture type Submitted Zhang, Mengxia, Guo, Xixuan, Guo, Xiaoling, Jolibert, Alain Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing And Logistics
The Intangible Heritage as Cultural Tourism Product: Attractiveness and (Re) Construction of the Territories - The Case of Cante Alentejano Submitted Mendonça, José, Lopes, Eunice Publicações CICS
The MUMA-Project–An Integrated Approach to Heritage Management Submitted Albert, Marie-theres Training Strategies for World Heritage Management
Luoghi e oggetti della memoria. Valorizzare il patrimonio culturale. Studio Submitted Mariotti, Luciana
Dragon boat culture in Chebei: a case study of narratives of cultural memory in short videos Submitted Chen, X, Xian, YY International Communication of Chinese Culture
Normas generales para la Gestión, Protección y Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural en Colombia Submitted Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia
